Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Setsubun Festival

Today, February 3rd, is the official boundary between the winter and spring. The word "setsubun" literally means "the division of the seasons" and to celebrate this Japanese people will take part in "mamemaki", or, "bean-throwing". It is customary for children and adults to throw roasted soy beans in, out and around the house while shouting "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" Which translates to, "Devils out! Happiness in!" It is also traditional to eat as many soy beans as one`s age (I carefully counted 21 this morning, and have just realised I`ll have to go home and sadly eat one more) and also makizushi - long uncut rolls of sushi.

In households with small children, a relative will usually don a grotesque `oni` or `demon` mask and try to scare them, until he is forced away by a torrent of soybeans. (

Bean-throwing and other rituals are usually performed in most shrines and temples around Japan during Setsubun day, so tonight I will cycle around Amagi and hopefully take some pictures of the oni. I am looking forward to a sushi dinner and the coming of spring.

Tuna and teriyaki makisushi, and 22 soybeans.

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